Very rare do I look at another company's web site for a job. Now I am looking. Getting tired of filing reports and folding laundry. It was time to move on to another place to work.
This must of been good luck or God's will. There was an opening at Wake Forest University Baptist Hospital in ultrasound research!! RESEARCH!! What else could I want. This was a great opportunity. Shoot!! I'm not driving, what will they think when I tell them about my epilepsy? There is not any call though, or weekends. What will it hurt to apply? There is always, "It never hurts to ask".
They called me!! The doctor can meet you only after office hours. Will that work for you? That is fine with me (I won't have to ask for time off). I only met the doctors. I didn't meet the department manager or anyone in the hospital personnel department.
I found out that I will not only work at the research department, but I will also work at another office just for high risk OB ultrasound. The other office was a few miles away. Not driving, how will I get to the other office? Come to find out while I was waiting for my ride home, the hospital ran a shuttle service to all of the off site offices that were affiliated with the hospital. Answer from God again to take the job.
I was planning to tell the manager about my epilepsy. A few days later, the office manager called me. The call wasn't to schedule an appointment to talk, but to tell me I HAVE THE JOB! What's he going to do when I tell him? I don't have to. I wanted to tell him about my epilepsy. Well, I told him. He couldn't withdraw the offer...
Research here I come...